Summer’s Joy

…In summer’s warm embrace, we find our…
In summer's warm embrace, we find our glee,
A symphony of sun, of love, of cheer,
When skies are painted with a bright veneer,
And nature's colors dance in harmony.

The morning dew upon the grasses lay,
As azure skies hold radiant sun above,
A time when hearts unbind, and spirits move,
To celebrate the splendor of the day.

With laughter, children frolic in the sun,
Their faces glow with life, as pure as gold,
While flowers bloom, their petals rich and bold,
And all embrace the joy that's just begun.

Sweet scents of roses, jasmine, fill the air,
As butterflies alight on petals fair,
Their wings of hues, a testament to life,
In this idyllic season free from strife.

We gather 'round the fire as day turns night,
Sharing tales and memories, holding tight,
The bond of friends and kin, a treasure dear,
A testament to love, to all we share.

In summer's sweet embrace, we find our peace,
A season ripe with joy that knows no end,
Where hearts and souls commune, where love extends,
And in this warmth, we find our sweet release.
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Have Faith

Have Faith

From 2004…with love

From 2004…with love

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